We are approved and the only things that are keeping us from bringing our son home are time, paperwork, and money.  We are completing all the paperwork as quickly as possible to reduce the time.  The money is tough!  

We NEED your help!

We are still a long ways from our total need, and though it is difficult for me to ask (because of pride), we would like to humbly ask your help with this fundraiser:


Here is the idea:

We take 127 envelopes. The kids numbered and decorated each envelope 1-127.

Now, we are asking people to commit to taking an envelope (or more than one if you are feeling overly ambitious and super generous. :)

When you agree to take an envelope, it means that you are volunteering to be responsible for coming up with the dollar amount on your numbered envelope. So, if you have the number 1 you would commit to $1, if you have the envelope 2 you would be responsible for $2, and so on. The highest numbered envelope is 127. So the most anyone would commit to is $127.

***You do not have to come up with the money on your own. Ask your friends and family members to join you. Perhaps you could have your church or small group commit to taking a couple envelopes, or you could do your own fundraiser. (If you do this, please let us know, so we can advertise your fundraiser and give others ideas on how they could raise funds!)

Your envelope will be sent to you with the number you have requested. It will already have a stamp and our address for you to send your pledge back to us once you have collected it. (We are having them sent to our personal address to collect them all to send them into our adoption agency together).

Several people have stated that they thought it would be fun to do this completely randomly. So, you would sign up for an envelope, and I will randomly send you one. You wouldn't know the amount you are committing to (but the minimum it could be would be $1 and the maximum it could be is $127).

However, some people may not be able to commit to a large number, and they would prefer it to be for a specified amount.

Therefore, we have decided to leave both options. If you want to sign up for a specific number, you can put your name in the comments under that number that way we can all keep a tally on Facebook for which numbers are accounted for. If you would prefer that I randomly assign you one because you like the surprise factor, I would be happy to do that too.

I would like to upfront thank everyone for their help with this fundraiser. This fundraiser cannot be a success without each one of you. 
Now here is the amazing part....If all 127 envelopes are committed to and returned...this fundraiser would bring in $8128! We would be so much closer to being funded.

Would you consider committing to take an envelope? Please email me if you are interested in helping us with this fundraiser. My email is: jsrbrown@gmail.com.

If you are curious how much this adoption is costing and would like to see the breakdown of expenses, please visit our blog (http://manilatoforever.blogspot.com/p/fundraising.html)

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